Everything happens for a reason! A friend of mine wanted to kayak today, but I was stuck at home waiting for a scheduled visit from the plumber. Well, despite my waiting, he never showed. So, off to kayak I went! And let me tell you, it was so absolutely wonderful. Do you feel completely relaxed and stress-free when you kayak and afterwards? Yes, that was me!
Today’s kayaking adventure began at Peoria Park which is south of Corvallis and we ended at the boat ramp at Willamette Park in Corvallis. So, I want to make a point here! The entire Willamette Valley is currently engulfed in wildfire smoke. You could only see a little bit of blue sky along the way, but we never did see the sun.
This is a photo comparison of Mary’s Peak, which is located west of Corvallis. The photo on the left is what it “normally” looks like and the photo on the right is from today! (Yes, one of them is during winter time – ha!)

HOWEVER, being down on the water we escaped the smoke, both visibly and inhaling it. Thank goodness!
As usual, our kayaking adventure was absolutely perfect! I really enjoy doing this section of the Willamette River because there is always a fairly good current. Sometimes, it’s nice not to have to paddle all of the time.
Leaving Peoria Park, while the water level was shallow, it was plenty deep enough not to have to worry about scraping the bottom of your kayak. And as usual, it’s always so beautiful.

If you’re looking for a scenic getaway, no cars, only a few houses, no people, no traffic – just the sounds of nature…this is where you need to go! It’s so incredibly beautiful throughout the journey. One of the biggest things to look forward to is the wildlife, specifically the birds!
We saw about a dozen Osprey, some Eagles, and all kinds of other birds! But, it’s more than just seeing them, you can hear them talking to one another throughout the journey. It’s just a calming and relaxing sound. I really love it!
One of the highlights of this journey is the vegetation along the way. Everything is SO green along the river’s edge. It’s absolutely gorgeous!

I have a nice green lawn at my home, but it’s not even close to the color green you see along the river!
Today, I saw a lot of this gorgeous flower growing along the water’s edge. You could see it from a great distance because it’s so incredibly bright – and 100% beautiful!

I mentioned earlier that there are no houses along the way. However, there are quite a few farms along the journey. I have kayaked this section of the Willamette River many times and yet today I noticed this really intriguing old barn. I figured it would make a great picture, and I was right.

When you drive on Peoria Road out to the boat ramp, you will notice there are a lot of different crops and of course, cool homes and everything needed for the job. But, I just love pictures depicting these old barns (and the water in the foreground makes it perfect – HA!).
Two sights caught my attention today.
The first photo shows just how high the river gets during storms with lots of rain in the winter time. I haven’t kayaked this section of the river during those times, but I think I need to – just to see how much faster the current is moving.
The second photo shows an old and dead tree. There isn’t anything especially “cool” about it, but I just think they really add to the landscape. I think they’re always neat looking.

Which reminds me – when you embark on this section of the river, always keep your eyes peeled for the various birds. One of the quickest and easiest ways to spot an Osprey or Eagle is to look towards the top of a dead tree. That is where I almost always see them sitting – staring at me! Ha!
As I’ve already mentioned, I just love this section of the river. Everything is so incredibly beautiful and the scenery all along the way is breath taking.

This section of the Willamette River is approximately 8.2 miles and took just over 2 hours to kayak. If you haven’t kayaked this section of the river – GO!!! But, if you can’t go now – it’s a very safe section of the river with no major obstacles – you can go anytime throughout the year!
PS – Be sure to have your life vest (always best to wear it), your waterway permit and a whistle. This is the 4th or 5th time on this specific section of the river that I have been asked by the Sheriff’s boat patrol deputies!
2024 – Kayak Trip #33