• Kayaking

    Foster Reservoir – towards Green Peter

    Personally, I’m absolutely thrilled that the weather has improved so much. The sun is shining brightly and it’s abundantly warm outside. Of course, that all makes for “perfect” kayaking conditions. However, there is one small call of nature that can change things a bit – the WIND! Our goal today…

  • Kayaking

    First Half of My Day: Fish Lake

    A friend of mine and myself decided to embark upon an awesome kayaking adventure today. During the morning hours, we kayaked upon Fish Lake and in the early afternoon hours, we drove just a couple miles down the road to enjoy Clear Lake. This post will be about our adventures…

  • Kayaking

    Second Half of My Day: Clear Lake

    Even though I was a bit tired from our adventure at Fish Lake, I had already made the decision to kayak Clear Lake. So, we loaded our vehicles and drove about 2 miles south on McKenzie Highway from Fish Lake. So, first and foremost – parking! Plain and simple: they…