• Kayaking

    Rivers? Yes, Willamette, Luckiamute and Santiam!!!

    Yes indeed, my kayaking adventure involved three different rivers today! It was absolutely beautiful. The Fall colors are beginning to show everywhere and it was well worth the time spent! My kayaking trip today began at Buena Vista Boat Launch in Polk County. This area underwent a significant update last…

  • Kayaking

    Kayakers – What to Do if You Capsize?

    There are some startling statistics I would like to share with you! “Paddling fatalities, which increased yet again in 2023 to nearly one in three (32.5 percent) recreational boating deaths in the United States, up from 27.4 percent in 2022.” Read that again! That is definitely concerning! How many times…

  • Kayaking

    Lake Merwin, Lewis River & Canyon Creek

    Oh, YES! We did all three in one setting and in one day! And let me tell you, it was absolutely fabulous! It was easily the most forested, most beautiful and had the clearest waters of anywhere I’ve kayaked! Let’s look at a map so you can see how everything…

  • Kayaking

    Clear Lake

    Today’s kayaking adventure led me and a couple of friends to Clear Lake. Now, let’s be clear here, this is Clear Lake located on Hwy 126, 4 miles south of the Hwy 20 Junction. There is another Clear Lake located in Oregon, which is located 12 miles south of Mount…