• Kayaking

    Clear Lake

    Today’s kayaking adventure led me and a couple of friends to Clear Lake. Now, let’s be clear here, this is Clear Lake located on Hwy 126, 4 miles south of the Hwy 20 Junction. There is another Clear Lake located in Oregon, which is located 12 miles south of Mount…

  • Kayaking

    Henry Hagg Lake

    It has been a long and excruciating 26 days since I’ve been on a kayaking adventure. And today, I set out to enjoy a new environment! My journey took me 1.5 hours northwest from Albany to Henry Hagg lake, or Hagg Lake. Hagg Lake is an artificial lake, which is…

  • Kayaking

    Willamette Falls – WOW!!!

    Today’s kayaking adventure took myself and a friend to Willamette Falls. “The Willamette Falls is a natural waterfall in the northwestern United States, located on the Willamette River between Oregon City and West Linn. It is the largest waterfall in the Northwest US by volume and it is the 17th…

  • Kayaking

    Estacada Lake – Before it Hit 100 Degrees!

    Yes indeed, we’re in the middle of a significant heat wave with temperatures over 100 degrees for the next 4 days. However, that doesn’t stop an avid kayaker, such as myself! Today’s journey led myself and a kayaking companion to set off for Estacada Lake around 7:15am this morning! We…