• Kayaking

    Foster Reservoir to Santiam River = ICE!

    First and foremost – what an absolutely beautiful day it was to be out kayaking! We have enjoyed over a week of no rain and a lot of sunshine! Of course, I can’t sit at home when it’s this nice, I have to get out, regardless of how cold it…

  • Kayaking

    Santiam River @ Foster Reservoir

    Unfortunately, living in Western Oregon, my kayaking schedule is often dictated by our rainy winter season. However, today, the weather was 100% clear with beautiful sunshine. Thank goodness! Myself and 3 friends met at the Calkins Boat Ramp at Foster Reservoir. Yes, the water level at Foster Reservoir is very…

  • Kayaking

    Foster Reservoir – Shea Viewpoint

    First and Foremost, this was a very early morning paddle in hopes of watching the sunrise. Secondly, did you know there is an old, but still usable boat ramp at Shea Viewpoint? I had no idea! Let’s talk about the launch site first. Shea Viewpoint is the first visual contact…

  • Kayaking

    Foster Reservoir – Calkins Boat Ramp

    Today was absolutely perfect! It was the perfect weather, Foster Reservoir is full again, enjoyed my kayaking adventure with perfect friends and the sights were…you guessed it – PERFECT!!! All in all – it couldn’t have gotten any better. We decided to begin our trip at the Calkins boat ramp…

  • Kayaking

    Foster Reservoir – Towards Green Peter Reservoir

    Two days after nearly drowning in the Willamette River (see previous post), I met up with my kayaking buddies and we traversed Foster Reservoir from the Sunnyside boat ramp. We had decided, rather than going out into the reservoir, we would paddle up towards Green Peter Reservoir. First and foremost,…

  • Kayaking

    Foster Lake (Reservoir) Dam

    I woke up at 4:30am this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. I tried for about another 30 minutes and then I finally got up. UGH! I was drinking my morning Diet Pepsi (yes, it’s true) and reading articles on the internet, when I thought about the weather for…

  • Random Thought

    Drawdown of Green Peter Reservoir and Foster Lake

    At this point, most people have heard about or personally witnessed the severe drawdown of both of these reservoirs this summer and fall. The intent, as decided by the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon on September 1, 2021, was to increase juvenile spring Chinook and steelhead survival…

  • Kayaking

    Foster Lake (with friends!)

    Today’s journey took me back to Foster Lake. However, this time with friends, rather than being by myself. This was a planned kayak adventure and there were 5 of us total. While I enjoy kayaking by myself, I equally enjoy kayaking with other folks. I persuaded the group to follow…

  • Kayaking

    Foster Lake

    I had been watching the weather, waiting to kayak again. My opportunity finally came up! I loaded my kayak on my car and headed to Foster Lake. The weather was perfect. My entire kayak adventure was fantastic! During the winter months, the water level is kept low. Therefore, the only…