This was one of, if not the best, kayaking trips I’ve ever embarked upon! If you like being on the river with a lot of current and white water – go check it out! I’ll definitely return soon!
Our journey started at the Pleasant Valley boat ramp, which is just on the west edge of Sweet Home. I have to say, this boat ramp area was one of the worst I’ve used. First off, the boat ramp isn’t marked at all. The only reason we found it is because one of the gals with me today has used it many times before. There is no signage at the entrance from the road (Pleasant Valley Rd.).
So, what I’ll tell you is that from Hwy 20, you’ll turn left on to Pleasant Valley Road. You’ll pass a business on the right side and immediately following is a dirt road that looks as though it could be someone’s private property. However, turn right here and drive down to the river and the boat ramp. If you drive on the bridge over the river, turn around, you’ve gone too far.

Unfortunately, this is what the signage looks like once you get down to the water. I don’t know how long it has been vandalized, but the powers that be really need to install a new sign both down at the water and at the entrance! (Maybe someone reading this will know who to contact!)
Once we got all of our gear ready, it was time to hit the water. Today’s journey called for dry suits or semi-dry suits and bilge pumps. We weren’t worried about falling into the river, but the white water was fairly large in spots and there’s just no way to keep yourself dry! But, boy oh boy – was it the most fun kayak trip ever!

Our entire trip down the South Santiam river was absolutely beautiful! There was new greenery everywhere. The trees were erupting with new leaves, the grass was very green – it was just spectacular. I just couldn’t get enough! But, honestly, you couldn’t take your attention away from the river for very long before you hit another set of rapids that requires all of your attention. I was, however, lucky enough to capture this one.
The video above shows one of the smaller sized rapids. There were 3 or 4 that we traveled through that were quite large. In fact, my smart watch tracks my adventure and it stated that in those sections of the river we were traveling just over 10 mph. Not bad! You’d be rocking through the white water and then boom! You are splashed with a large amount of water (thus the need for dry suits). We spent time throughout our journey using our bilge pumps to empty the water from out of our kayaks! That was a first for me! And I loved every second of it!!!
There were a number of spots where water was draining into the river. But, I couldn’t stop to look at all of them because the current was just too fast. But, I did capture this one that I liked a lot! (Sorry it’s a bit crooked)
I really do enjoy sitting and watching and listening to the water fall. It’s so calming and soothing.
Along our journey, we came upon some cows feeding on the grass on the side of the river. We were moving at a good pace, but I was able to capture a fairly good photo. While I was watching them I’m fairly certain I heard them comment, “What the heck,” as I floated on by. HA!

As I mentioned at the start of this writing, this was easily one of the best kayak trips I’ve ever taken. I’ve been on a river a ton of times. However, I’ve never been in white water like today. It was just so awesome. But, even as the water level decreases through the summer and the water calms a bit, the scenery is really something!

It didn’t seem like we were on the river for very long. Definitely my attention was spent enjoying my paddling time! As you approach Waterloo Park Boat Ramp, it’s on the left hand side of the river. There’s a nice “beach” area to unload rather than using the actual boat ramp. We dumped our kayaks upside down and then pumped out the rest of the water. Our trip was about 2 hours, but honestly, it felt like it had only been an hour.
These are views from the Waterloo boat ramp area.

Caution! If you’re a recreational kayaker like myself, don’t try to go down the river just past Waterloo, at least not right now. The rapids are very large with a big drop off. Only do this section if you are VERY experienced paddler in white water!
As I packed up my car and readied myself to leave, a bright pink color grabbed my attention. These wildflowers were growing all along the rocky side of the boat ramp area. They were much more vibrant in color than this photo shows. They were spectacular!

If you haven’t been on this stretch of the South Santiam River, go check it out! You won’t regret it!
2024 – Kayak Trip #18

I’m glad you got a chance to meet this old friend. The South Santiam is so dear to my heart. Nothing cleanses the spirit like the purity of nature and this beautiful river never fails to connect me with the Great Mother of us all. Life is good. Of the more mundane…Sweet Home is a post-logging town with revenues much reduced from the heyday of Oregon timber. Not sure how able the city is to keep up with vandalism. A common problem. Maybe we could repaint it ourselves? Might end up with a fine. Fine.