When a kayaking friend reached out this morning to see whether I wanted to kayak on the Tualatin River, I jumped at the opportunity. This is only the second time I’ve used this entry point into the river, but that time we traveled east out to the Willamette River. Today, we traveled west and it was ALL NEW territory for me! In a word – absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Ok, that’s two words, but you will see why.

We launched from the 99W Bridge and Hazelbrook Rd. This is a great entry point into the river and they are actually currently working on it to improve it. In fact, there were construction rigs in our way getting down to the boat ramp area, but we managed. It’s a bit of a walk down to the boat launch area, so be sure to use a kayak cart (or someone strong to help you). The only downside to this launch area is that parking is extremely limited. I think there are about 6 parking spaces, and that’s it! So, just beware.
Even though we are at the very beginning of Spring, it was positively gorgeous and it was so quiet. I noticed a lot of the bushes sprouting, new very green grass growing, everything is just ready to splatter with color and I can’t wait! This trip was so incredibly fantastic, I’ll be back for sure!

As always it was fun to look at all of the new growth splattered throughout our journey. It used to take some looking to find it all, but not any longer. The fresh green growth is everywhere. You know what that means? Summer is coming….yay!

We finally reached the end of our upriver paddling! We made it to the platform area which is built out over the edge of the river. This is the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge area. I’ll have to go check out the refuge sometime! But, just before the platform, is an entrance to Rock Creek. One of the best parts of my paddle today was being with someone who equally enjoys checking out areas that seem inaccessible.
A couple of weeks ago I bought a brand new pair of long-handled pruners and I have been taking them with me on all of my kayak journeys. Well, today, I finally got to put them to work. I led the way and using my pruners, I was able to clear a path for us to paddle up the creek. I’m not sure anyone has paddled up Rock Creek before, but it was enjoyable, for sure. We made it just past the foot bridge and then turned around. It was adventurous and I love that part of kayaking!!!

After paddling nearly 4 miles upriver, we made the easy return back to the launch area. It wasn’t until we had turned around that I realized just how much more effort it had taken to paddle upriver. But, it was totally doable. If you or someone you know decides to set off on this journey soon, just paddle near the shore line. The current isn’t near as strong there as it is in the middle. You’ll make it no problem!

And, of course, no water trip is complete without encountering some Canadian Geese. I sat along the shoreline for several minutes watching them and boy oh boy did they let me know how they felt about that. They honked and honked at me – noisily. They were great fun to watch. I love those birds!
All in all, this was an absolutely fantastic trip! I will definitely return in the near future! And I’m encouraging everyone else to do the same! Below you will find a map of the Tualatin River. There are many different launch areas and there’s so much to see! Get out there and enjoy yourselves!!!

2024 – Kayak Trip #13