Today was kayaking perfection! I’m telling you what it just couldn’t get any better than it was!
At first, I was going to kayak at Foster Reservoir. I had read online somewhere that the reservoir water level was now 100%. HA HA! Not true! In fact, I think there was about a foot less water than the last time I was up there. I really wasn’t interested in steering around all of the tree stumps, rocks and other shallow areas. So, I decided I would venture further up the road about 15 minutes to Green Peter Reservoir. I’m so glad I did!

It has taken awhile for Green Peter to fill back up from its near complete drainage over the winter time. (You can read about it here.) But, the water level is coming up quickly and let me tell you, the water is so clean and so incredibly beautiful. In fact, it’s this gorgeous blue/green color!
The lower boat ramp at Thistle Creek is still being used, but it’s not near as low as it once was. I easily backed my car down just a short ways and unloaded my kayak. The last time I went up there to check on the water level, this same boat ramp was open, but it was a long steep drive down to the water.

Did you notice the glassy look of the water? Yes, well, it stayed that way the entire time I was out there today (3 hours). During that time period, there were 3 kayak fishing folks, but they weren’t there that long and then it was just me – on the entire reservoir. That is a first!!!! There was absolutely no wind and it made everything look so incredibly beautiful. Here are some photo shots of the reservoir.

It just didn’t matter which direction I was facing – the entire reservoir was just phenomenal!!! The bright blue color of the water, the bright green colored fir trees showing their new growth, snow in the mountains… it was just all perfect! And I just want to point out again, I have NEVER seen the reservoir water surface so calm, glass like – it was really something!
One of the great joys while kayaking in the winter and spring is finding and hearing all of the waterfalls as they hit the body of water. I’m guessing a few of these will remain later in the summer, but will undoubtedly become much smaller.
These are just two of probably 6 or 7 that I saw while kayaking today. It was so quiet out on the reservoir that I could hear them from a great distance! Always fun treasures!
Because the water level is still down a long ways, just like at Foster Reservoir, there are quite a few tree trunks still sticking up out of the water. I think they are always so fascinating to look at. The first pictured below looks like it is walking across the dry surface with its arms swinging. HA! Of course, my favorite capture today is the second picture shown below. I captured the lighting perfectly!!! It appears almost “heavenly.”

One of the directions I traveled was east, I wanted to go by Whitcomb Creek County Park Boat Ramp. It’s a fairly large camping area and it’s been closed due to weather and low water levels. It is supposed to be opening again on April 19th!! Anyway, I wanted to go check out what the boat ramp looks like. It looked to me like there’s enough water for it to open, but the parks department has quite a bit of work to get it all cleaned up and ready to use.

Where the boat ramp is located is a long channel of water and towards the end is the bridge seen above. I decided to kayak down to the Whitcomb bridge and then head back. Five or six cars drove along the bridge while I was out there on the water and they likely all spotted me because suddenly they were barely moving across the bridge. I guess I should have waved at each of them. he he
It seems like when I kayak by myself, I notice a lot more of what’s around me. But today, there was just so much! I felt like my head kept sliding back and forth and back and forth trying to look at everything. I still just can’t believe how perfect the water condition was, but also the weather. Just a short sleeve t-shirt today…no hoodie, sweatshirt, rain jacket, toe warmers, ear muffs, gloves and all of the other stuff we all wear to stay warm. It was absolutely PERFECT!!!

As I packed up and began my journey home, I stopped at the Green Peter Reservoir Dam to check it out. This photo is from Billings Park, which is located on the south side of the dam. It’s a nice little park. There is a lot of parking, bathroom, and a nice grass area to sit and enjoy the view of the water. It gave me a good look at the east side of the dam. And of course, my hearty rig and kayak!
If you haven’t gotten a chance to go kayak at Green Peter Reservoir – hurry and go. Once the Oregon public school season is over, the campgrounds will be full and it will be difficult to find peace and quiet!

2024 – Kayak Trip #12
I want to go!!!!!